Luxury Hot Towel Face Shaving Course - Barbers of BT45

We in Barbers Of BT45 pride ourselves on our luxury hot towel face shave.
The reason we use the word Luxury so prominently is because we really do take the time, effort and precision on not only removing the hair from the face but protecting the skin and leaving you feel revitalized and fresh. 
This course is held specifically on Sundays. 
After a small introduction to the art of the face shave our educator will demonstrate a Face shave from start to finish talking you through all aspects of the shave.
These include:
  • Consultation with client before shave commences.
  • preparing for your shave to save time.
  • Opening the pores and knowing when to commence the shave.
  • The method and patterns of the shave.
  • closing the pores and assessing skin.
  • Aftercare and feedback.
Once you have observed the educator doing 2 of the above shaves. We will then break for lunch.
On your return you will be asked to have a client of your own ready.
The educator will then guide you through the whole process of what they demonstrated earlier allowing you the opportunity to perform you first face shave.
For more information complete the form below and we will get back to you asap.

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